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WW1 Headstone/Grave Data Base

The Friends of St.Helens Cemetery have compiled a data base and record of all headstones in St.Helens and Newton Cemeteries which have a reference to a WW1 casualty. Some are the grave of the casualty and many are a dedication to those that are buried in foreign soils or other cemeteries. Others are those named on memorials like The Menin Gate and Thiepval Memorial whose graves have never been found.

In St.Helens Cemetery the record is more than 400 headstones, in Newton Cemetery more than 50 headstones. Some of these headstones are Commonwealth War Graves (denotes the casualty is buried in this grave) but mostly they are dedications on family headstones.

This information collected and recorded by The Friends is available to anyone who requests it. It is not a definitive list it can be added to at any time if a previously unknown headstone is discovered. The information is listed in Burial Sections.

If you want any information from this data base then contact us at

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